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Dolphin Heather
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The perfect mid-layer for those chilly days. The Tundra Sweater Fleece Jacket has ultra-soft brushed back fleece, double layered collar with the look of wool and the easy care of fleece.
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Calques (Couches)



Created with Raphaël 2.1.2Created with Raphaël 2.1.2Created with Raphaël 2.1.2
Created with Raphaël 2.1.2
Created with Raphaël 2.1.2
+ Sous-couche blanche5
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Couleur(s) Solide(s), idéale pour une commande en grande quantité
Couleur(s) Solide(s), idéale pour une commande en grande quantité
Couleur(s) Solide(s), idéale pour une commande en grande quantité
Couleur(s) Solide(s), idéale pour une commande en grande quantité

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Confirmer la demande de devis

Vous serez redirigé vers une page où vous pourrez demander un devis pour ce produit non personnalisé. Toutes les décorations que vous avez ajoutées à ce produit seront supprimées.


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    Combien de couleurs composent cette image?

    Vous avez maintenant plusieurs éléments constitutifs de cette conception à sérigraphier

    Sélectionner les couleurs qui figurent dans votre image.

    Vous devez spécifier le nombre total de couleurs uniques utilisés dans tous les éléments de votre conception.

    Cela nous aidera à déterminer la tarification basée sur le nombre de couleurs dans votre conception.

    • (plus une sous couche blanche)

    Vous pouvez également spécifier les couleurs utilisées dans la conception de votre image. Exemple "Rouge", "Bleu", "pantone 1809".

    Si vous ne donnez aucune précision, nos graphiste feront le meilleur choix pour votre entière satisfaction.

    • (plus une sous couche blanche)

    Couleurs actuelement sélectionnées


    Combien de couleurs composent cette image?

    • image recoloriée
    • image originale

    Combien de couleurs composent votre image?

    4 Couleurs

    Sélectionner les couleurs à utiliser


    Votre Devis

    Produits Qté Prix
    Total $0.00

    Réutiliser les conceptions à sérigraphier existantes

    Vous avez déjà utilisé la sérigraphie dans cette commande. Pour éviter des coûts d'écran supplémentaires, vous pouvez réutiliser une conception de sérigraphie existante pour ce produit.

    Vous pouvez

    Réutiliser les conceptions existantes




    Votre agencement contient des images qui ont été redimensionnées dans des proportions telles qu'elles pourraient apparaître floues.

    Images de qualité inférieure listées

    Votre agencement contient des images qui apparaissent en dehors de la zone de dessin.

    Vous ne pouvez pas enregistrer le produit avant d'avoir placer les images à l'intérieur de la zone de dessin.

    Votre agencement contient des images qui apparaissent en dehors de la zone de dessin.

    Votre agencement contient des images qui se chevauchent.

    Vous ne pouvez pas enregistrer le produit avant d'avoir déplacer les images pour qu'elles ne se chevauchent plus.

    L'achat d'un produit non personnalisé n'est pas autorisé

    Vous ne pourrez pas acheter ce produit, sans le personnaliser.

    Produit non décoré inactif, en cours d'utilisation

    Quantité minimum requise non atteinte

    Vous ne pourrez pas acheter cet article sans avoir augmenté la quantité.

    Mise à jour d'Écran(s) toujours en cours...

    Vous ne pourrez pas acheter cet article, tant que tous les écrans réutilisés n'auront pas été mis à jour.

    Your layout contains images that have been resized to meet the 25 megapixel limit for raster images and they may appear smaller than intended. You can avoid the raster size limit by uploading artwork in vector format when possible.

    En cliquant sur OK, vous consentez à accepter le produit final quelle que soit la qualité de ces images. Pressez Annuler si vous souhaitez revenir en arrière et rectifier les images.


    Ajouter Nom d'équipier


    Modifer le texte.

    Ajouter un Autre Nom d'équipier

    Transfert du fichier en cours


    Get Started 

    Vous pouvez personnaliser ce produit en utilisant les boutons ci-dessous. Si vous voulez changer le produit, sélectionnez l'onglet "Produits", puis choisissez le produit que vous voulez personnaliser
    • Ajouter Cette image

      Ajouter une image au produit sélectionné
    • Ajouter Ce texte

      Ajouter un texte au produit sélectionné

    Vous êtes en train de personnaliser: Face Left Chest de MEN'S TUNDRA SWEATER FLEECE JACKET


    Aide à l'utilisation du concepteur en ligne 

    The Designer is an easy to use tool that allows you to design your own product. You can select a product to decorate with stock art, your own designs or photos and text.

    To change the currently selected product:

    1. Click on the Change Product button in the Product panel.
      Product Button

      The Select Product popup will be displayed.

      Product Details Panel.png
    2. Click on a product to select it.

    To add text to a product:

    1. Click on the Add Text button in the Designer Toolbar.
      Add Text Button
    2. Select the type of process to be used for the text in the Select Type of Text popup. Only options that are supported by the product being decorated will appear.
      Select Type Of Text Popup
    3. Enter the text, and click ADD TEXT.
      Please Enter Your Text Popup

      The text will appear inside the decoration area in its bounding box with editable size dimension, resize and rotate handles and delete control available.

      Inserted Text

    To adjust text properties:

    1. Click on the View and organize layers button in the View Toolbar.
      View And Organize Layers Button
    2. Click the text object you wish to adjust the properties of.

      The Text Properties panel will appear on the left side of the Designer.

      Text Properties Panel
    3. Configure the text as required:
      • Text Box: lets you edit the text.


      The Formatting tab is expanded by default and contains the following controls:

      • Font: change the font via the Select A Font popup.
      • Font color: change the text color via the color popup.
      • Bold: boldens the text.
      • Italics: italicizes the text.
      • Left-align: aligns text to the left when it spans multiple lines.
      • Center-align: center-aligns text when it spans multiple lines.
      • Right-align: aligns text to the right when it spans multiple lines
      • Outline: lets you apply an outline to the text. At the leftmost position on the slider, no outline is applied. Moving the slider to the right applies an outline that increases in thickness the further right it is moved.
      • Outline Color: lets you set the color of the outline via the color popup.
      • Resize Proportionally: when this checkbox is ticked, the text will keep its original proportions when you resize it.


      Effects are only available for the direct to garment printing decoration process.

      Click on the Position tab to expand it. Expanding the Position tab reveals the following controls:

      Position Controls
      • Position controls: lets you move the selected text within the decoration area using any of the eight directional arrows.
      • Size controls: lets you increase/decrease the size of the selected text by clicking on the up/down arrows.
      • Rotation controls: lets you turn the selected text around its center axis. You can do this by:
        • Specifying a specific angle at which to rotate the text.
        • Clicking on the left arrow to rotate the text 5 degrees to the left.
        • Clicking on the right arrow to rotate the text 5 degrees to the right.
      • Horizontal Centering controls: Horizontally centers the selected text within the decoration area.
      • Vertical Centering controls: Vertically centers the selected text within the decoration area.
      • Layering controls: lets you change the layer at which the selected text is positioned in relation to other decorations.


      Click on the Effects tab to expand it. Expanding the Effects tab reveals the following text effects:

      Effects Controls
      • Text Shape: lets you alter the shape of the text. The options indicate the shape that they will apply.
      • Effect: lets you add a shadow or glow effect to the text.
        • None: no effect is applied.
        • Shadow: applies a drop shadow to the text.
          • Offset: lets you set the position that the shadow will be offset from the text.
          • Blur: lets you set the level of blurring effect that will be applied to the shadow.
        • Glow: applies the appearance of a glow around the text.
          • Strength: lets you set the intensity of the glow.
          • Blur: lets you set the level of blurring effect that will be applied to the glow.
      • Effect Color: lets you set the color of the Effect via the color popup.
      • Gradient: sets a horizontal or vertical gradient of color between the selected font color and the gradient color.
      • Gradient Color: lets you set the color of the Gradient via the color popup.

    To add a design using the Add Design button:

    1. Click on the Add Design button in the Designer Toolbar.
      Add Design Button
    2. Select the type of process to be used for the design in the Select Type of Design popup. Only options that are supported by the product being decorated will be enabled.
      Select Type Of Design Popup
    3. Browse to and click on the design you want to add in the Select a design popup.
      Select A Design Popup

      You can select designs from the following sources:

      • Upload a new design: Click on Upload Image to upload a design from your device.

        Raster, vector, and embroidery file types are supported in the formats as listed below:

        • Raster (PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF, TIF)
        • Vector (CDR*, PDF, EPS, PS, SVG, SVGZ)
        • Embroidery (EMB)

        Vector based graphics will have modifiable elements such as text and colors editable on the fly by users.

        *CDR requires the CorelDRAW app to be enabled. When a CDR file is uploaded it will be automatically converted to SVG format so that it can be modified in the Online Designer.

      • Your own previously uploaded design designs: These will appear under the Upload Image button if you have uploaded designs before.
      • Instagram: Click on the Instagram button and enter your credentials to access your Instagram pictures.
      • Facebook: Click on the Facebook button and enter your credentials to access your Facebook pictures.
      • Store Designs: designs exclusive to the store.
      • Stock Designs: Third-party designs available for use in DecoNetwork.
    4. Click SELECT DESIGN.

      The design will appear inside the decoration area in its bounding box with editable size dimension, resize and rotate handles and delete control available.

      Inserted Design

    To add a design by drag and drop:

    1. Drag a design file from your computer into the decoration area of the product in the Designer.

      The decoration area will be highlighted when the mouse pointer is within its boundaries.

      Highlighted Decoration Area
    2. Release the mouse button to drop the design into the decoration area.

      The Select Type of Design popup will be displayed with the supported decoration types enabled for the product selected.

      Select Type Of Design Popup
    3. Select the decoration process you want to be used for the design.

      The system will begin uploading the design file to your own design library.

      Uploading Design.png
    4. Tick the, I hereby declare I own the rights to print this image, checkbox in the Confirm Copyright Permission popup to verify that you have permission to use the design.
      Confirm Copyright Permission Popup
    5. Click OK.

      The design will appear inside the decoration area in its bounding box with editable size dimension, resize and rotate handles and delete control available.

      Inserted Design

    To adjust design properties:

    1. Click on the View and organize layers button in the View Toolbar.
      View And Organize Layers Button
    2. Click the design object you wish to adjust the properties of.

      The Image Properties panel will appear on the left side of the Designer.

      Image Properties Panel
    3. Configure the design as required:
      • Quality: Shows you a bar indicating how clear the image is for printing. The indicator reflects how well the raster-based graphic is going to print before blurring too badly. If this drops below a certain threshold, the system will warn the customer that their print quality will be compromised.

        This option is only available for raster designs.

      • Colors: Shows you the colors currently used in the design.
        • edit: Click on the link to edit the design colors.

        This option is not available for designs that have restrictions on customizing.

      • Resize Proportionally: when this checkbox is ticked, the design will keep its original proportions when you resize it.

        This option is not available for embroidery, transfer and rhinestone designs.

      • Ungroup: click on the link to ungroup the design into its component elements.

        This option is only available vector-based designs.


      Click on the Position tab to expand it. Expanding the Position tab reveals the following controls:

      • Position controls: lets you move the selected text within the decoration area using any of the eight directional arrows.
      • Size controls: lets you increase/decrease the size of the selected text by clicking on the up/down arrows.
      • Rotation controls: lets you turn the selected text around its center axis. You can do this by:
        • Specifying a specific angle at which to rotate the text.
        • Clicking on the left arrow to rotate the text 5 degrees to the left.
        • Clicking on the right arrow to rotate the text 5 degrees to the right.
      • Horizontal Centering controls: Horizontally centers the selected text within the decoration area.
      • Vertical Centering controls: Vertically centers the selected text within the decoration area.
      • Layering controls: lets you change the layer at which the selected text is positioned in relation to other decorations.


      Click on the Effects tab to expand it. Expanding the Effects tab reveals the following controls:

      Image Properties Panel - Effects Section

      These options are only available for raster designs.

      • Effects: lets you apply a special effect to the design that alters its appearance. Click on the Effects drop-down box to see the effects options.
        Effects Options

        Click CANCEL to return to the Effects Panel.

      • Border: lets you apply a border to the boundary of the design. Click on the Borders drop-down box to see the border options.
        Border Options

        Click CANCEL to return to the Borders Panel.

    To specify product sizes and quantities:

    1. Click on the Product button in the Designer Toolbar.
      Product Button

      The Product panel is displayed.

      Product Panel
    2. Select a size from the Size drop-down list and specify the quantity required in the input box for that size.
    3. Click Add Another Size to specify quantities for each size required.
      Another Size Fields

    To specify product size and quantity when products are sold in bulk:

    1. Click on the Product button in the Designer Toolbar.
      Product Button - Bulk Quantity

      The Product panel is displayed.

      Product Details Panel - Bulk Quantity

      The Quantity field will show the minimum quantity you can purchase.

      Note, you can not select multiple sizes when products are sold in bulk.

    2. Select a size from the Size drop-down list in the Product Panel.
      Product Details Panel - Size Dropdown
    3. Select a quantity from the QTY drop-down list in the Designer Toolbar.
      QTY Dropdown

    To arrange design layers:

    1. Click on the View and organize layers button in the View Toolbar.
      View And Organize Layers Button

      The Layers panel is displayed showing all the text and design objects present in the decoration area.

      Layers Panel
    2. Arrange the elements as required:
      • To move a layer up, click on the up arrow to move it to a new position in the list. Likewise, to move a layer down, click on the down to move it to a new position in the list.
      • To delete a layer, click the cross icon at the right of the layer.

    To re-group template design elements:

    You can group elements from a template design that you have ungrouped.

    1. Click on the View and organize layers button in the View Toolbar.
      View And Organize Layers Button

      The Layers panel is displayed showing all the text and design objects present in the decoration area.

      Layers Panel - Ungrouped Elements
    2. Hold down the Ctrl key and click on each layer you want to be grouped.
    3. Click on the Group Selected Items button in the View Toolbar.

    To add team names:

    "Team name" allows automatic formatting of text in the form of a small name and large number beneath, decorated onto the product. This is useful for teams and other groups who would like a jersey-style name and number on their product.

    1. Click on the Add Team name button in the Designer Toolbar.
      Add Team Name Button
    2. Select the decoration process you want to be used for the team names.

      The Add Team name popup will be displayed.

      Add Team Name Popup
    3. Select a size and specify the quantity required for that size.
    4. Click Add Another Size to specify quantities for each size required.
    5. Click Next.

      The Edit Team name popup will be displayed containing Name and Number fields to match the quantities specified in the Add Team name popup.

      Edit Team Name Popup
    6. Configure team names by entering the team name and number for each product to be decorated.

      The item selected in the View column will be the item that is displayed in the Designer.

    7. Click Add Another Team Member and specify the team name and number for each additional product required.
    8. Click OK when done.

      The team name and number will be set up on the product as text areas whose properties may be adjusted as per normal text, except that any changes made will apply to all team name products.

      Team Name On Product

      See the section, To adjust the properties of text in the Designer, above, for details on how to adjust the formatting, adjust the position and apply effects to the text fields.

    9. If you want to edit the teamnames and numbers, select a text area and click Edit teamnames in the Text Properties panel to display the Edit Team name popup.